2021 m. July 14 d.

The proposed amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens were equated with the legalization of human rights violations

Seimas Ombudswoman Milda Vainiutė urged the authorities not to adopt amendments to the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Status of Aliens, that would allow human rights violations and pose threat to vulnerable migrants. After presenting assessment of the proposed legal regulation, the Seimas Ombudswoman acknowledged that the draft law contradicts not only human rights, but also Lithuania’s international obligations.

“The safety of individuals, their health, the right to complain and to apply to court, the protection of the interests of minors, the right to information, the right of individuals to move freely, high-quality application procedures – the proposed draft law poses particularly serious threats to all these sensitive areas,” enumerates the problems Ms. Vainiutė.

The Seimas Ombudswoman also draws attention to the fact that it is understandable that the amendments proposed in the draft law are initiated due to the declared emergency situation in Lithuania, but she points out that hasty corrections of the law may be flawed during such a particularly difficult period.

“Emergency management measures must be pursued with the minimum of changes to existing legal provisions and procedures, and fundamental legal reforms should not be pursued in times of crisis. In addition, from the point of view of human rights, legal regulation must be clear and unambiguous in order to avoid various interpretations of its content and the risk of violations of human rights and freedoms,” notes Ms. Vainiutė.

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