2021 m. October 25 d.

The Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office participated in the event to commemorate the Constitution Day

The Seimas Ombudsman, Head of the Office Augustinas Normantas participated in the event “The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and Human Rights”, which was organised at the Presidential Palace to commemorate the Constitution Day. A. Normantas made a presentation “Protection of Constitutional Values: the Role of the Ombudsman” and later took part in the discussions. At the Presidential Palace, President Gitanas Nausėda, together with legal scholars and practitioners, discussed the establishment of human rights in the Lithuanian legal system and the challenges of human rights protection. Experts shared ideas on how to ensure the protection of human rights in the context of recent challenges. The Head of State emphasized that Lithuania’s success in ensuring human rights will largely depend on how we implement the country’s main law.


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