2021 m. October 1 d.

The Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office Augustinas Normantas hosted the meeting with the Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Michael O’Flaherty

The Seimas Ombudsman, Head of the Office Augustinas Normantas met with the Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Michael O’Flaherty, who expressed unconditional support for the prevention of torture carried out by the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office at the frontier of Lithuania and Belarus. The Seimas Ombudsman presented the main problematic aspects of human rights protection and discussed the performed human rights monitoring at the border. Mr. O’Flaherty expressed his criticism about the conditions for restricting foreigners’ freedom and expressed concern about the detention of people, especially vulnerable groups. The Head of the Fundamental Rights Agency also promised to address the international and Lithuanian communities by encouraging monitoring of human rights at the frontier.

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